
The Shrine Council
The Shrine Council is made up of Shrine-holders who seek to help administer and
oversee the system of Shrines. They have the power to change the Guidelines as may
be needed as the system moves forward. They also oversee the approval process of
new Shrines, and make sure that all Shrines are conforming to the Guidelines.
The Shrine Council currently consists of Saba Khandroma and Hagia Aureavia.
Saba Khandroma
Saba Khandroma is one of the most amazing and transcendent occult performance artists and dancers today. She is the Directore of the Liminal - Ritual Dance Theatre, Director of Spiral Serpent ritual dance community, Shrineholder at Aionia Asteri Shrine and a Shrine Council member of Shrines of Babalon. Saba is a devotee of Babalon, and possesses an amazing ability to channel spiritual energy through dance and ritual. She currently resides in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Photo credit: GW Fotos
Liminal - Ritual Dance Theatre
Spiral Serpent
Babalon Shrine Aionia Asteri
Facebook: Saba
Hagia Aureavia founded the Temple of Babalon in the year 2000 as a Mystery School
dedicated to the devotion and worship of the incarnation of the Great Liberating
Mother who is currently known as Babalon. The Temple is an Ophidian organization
and practices Ophidian Thelema. She trains her students in the lost art of the Orphetic
Mysteries, Heka and Natura, the Liminal Gateway to the Underworld, and the Rites
of Sex and Death. The Hagia is a Priestess of Babalon and a Scarlet Woman, an author,
an artist, multiple business owner, a student of naturopathic medicine, a homesteader
and a survivalist. She lives off-grid at her home in Ophidia where she runs her
Temple and trains her students from around the world.
Website: Temple
of Babalon
Publisher: Thelemic Productions
Business: Soma Luna
Facebook: Hagia Aureavia
Past Shrine Council Members
Luciana Lupe Vasconcelos (b.1982) is a brazilian artist whose work plunges on the
realms of the mythical, mystical and occult. With a Bachelor's degree in Visual
Arts, and a Master's in Visual Culture, Lupe worked as a graphic designer, tattoo
artist and children’s book illustrator before start pursuing her own artistic voice.
Lupe currently resides in the mountain town of Teresopolis, Brazil.
Website: Luciferovs
The Art of Lupe Vasconcelos
