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Cakes of Life

Excerpts taken with kind permission from Mystery Babalon: The Bhaktic and Ecstatic Rites of Babalon by Hagia Aurevia

From Chapter 35. The Devotional Rites of Ra Hoor Khuit

… To begin, let us study the instructions from Ra Hoor Khuit Himself as to what his offerings are to be.

For perfume mix meal & honey & thick leavings of red wine: then oil of Abramelin and olive oil, and afterward soften & smooth down with rich fresh blood.
-Liber Legis III 23

The above recipe lists the basic ingredients for what is commonly termed the Cakes of Light or the Cakes of Life, depending upon their use. The recipe for these cakes follows below. The recipes for Abramelin Incense and Oil have already given in Chapter 14, Shrine Incense, Perfumes and Oils.

The best blood is of the moon, monthly: then the fresh blood of a child, or dropping from the host of heaven: then of enemies; then of the priest or of the worshippers: last of some beast, no matter what.
-Liber Legis III 24

Ra Hoor Khuit then lists the different types of blood which are to be used in His offering. As has been said before in previous chapters, the sources of these bloods are in order of importance: the menses, the blood of child-birth or of the placenta, the blood of enemies on the battlefield, one’s own blood as a devotee, and finally the least effective being the blood of animal sacrifice.

This burn: of this make cakes & eat unto me. This hath also another use; let it be laid before me, and kept thick with perfumes of your orison: it shall become full of beetles as it were and creeping things sacred unto me.

These slay, naming your enemies; & they shall fall before you.

Also these shall breed lust & power of lust in you at the eating thereof.

Also ye shall be strong in war.

Moreover, be they long kept, it is better; for they swell with my force. All before me.

-Liber Legis III 24-29

A common recipe for the Cakes is as follows, but any cake recipe will do:

(Note: Modern Thelemites and followers of Crowley often include what they call “Ingredient X” in this mixture too, which many say according to Crowley was sperm, or at least the combined sexual fluids which result from coitus. Crowley’s reasoning was that masturbation was like child sacrifice, for you are killing potential children by ejecting them outside of a matrix - hence his contention that sperm was being referenced by “the fresh blood of a child”. Crowley was painfully ignorant of the Female Mysteries, which he often dismissed in favor of his male-centered brand of Spermo-Gnosticism, which views women as an “empty vessel” to be filled with his “holy ghost”. The meaning of the bloods has now been corrected and set right, and it is to be noted that sperm as such is not mentioned in this section of Liber Legis.)

  • 1.5 cups flour (gluten-free flours are best due to widespread intolerances)
  • 6 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
  • 7 tbsp. honey
  • 1 tbsp. wine leavings
  • 7 drops Abramelin Oil

1. Rub some olive oil on your working surface so that the dough won't stick. Also oil some pans or cookie sheets at this time.

2. Pre-heat your oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit.

3. Mix oils and flour together with a spoon. Keep mixing while you add the other ingredients. Keep mixing and kneading until the dough yields a homogenous consistency. It should stick together nicely, but not stick to an oiled rolling pin or oiled surface.

4. Re-oil the counter top if necessary. Take out one small ball of dough at a time from your bowl, and press it flat with the palm of your hand. Then use an oiled rolling pin to flatten it out. When it is about an 1/8" thick, you can cut the dough into whatever shape you like, and press shapes into it for decoration.

5. Bake for 4 - 7 minutes, depending on thickness of the cakes and the heat of your oven.

6. You may refrigerate or freeze to store.

These cakes are used for several purposes.

  • As incense for the Rites of Ra Hoor Khuit, in which they are burned. (Either Cakes of Light or Life)
  • As a celebratory communion in the Rites of Ra Hoor Khuit where they grant certain powers. (Cakes of Life)
  • As a tool used in one method of cursing and slaying enemies in Ra Hoor’s name. (Cakes of Light)
  • As a method to trap demons and unwanted influences. (Cakes of Light)

Most of these methods are too much to detail in the scope of this book, however we will briefly summarize some general points which may be of assistance. “And afterward soften & smooth down with rich fresh blood.” The blood is applied to the cakes during the Rites, after they are already baked. This goes the same for sexual fluids, if the cakes are being used in this way. The intensity of the Cakes of Light dedicated with blood to Ra Hoor Khuit on His altar over many days should not be underestimated. Their power increases through an attraction created by the cake and the blood in His presence, which creates a lure or beacon when left in the open. That which is attracted to feed upon the cakes and blood is often of an imbalanced or demonic influence, which Ra Hoor has the power to frustrate and sublimate. One must be very careful with activated Cakes of Light in this way, and never consume them, as you would make that energy a part of yourself. It is not without consequence.

An example of how to swell the Cakes of Life with the power of Ra Hoor Khuit, later in the same chapter:

The Devotional Rite of Ra Hoor Khuit

This Rite of Devotion to Ra Hoor Khuit is a wonderful way to partake of His Force and Fire, in the form of the Cakes of Life . It is best performed at Noon on any given day of the week. By performing this Rite, you will create Cakes which are fit for consumption, and allow you to partake of that sacrament in the name of the Lord of the Aeon. You may do this Rite as often as you like, and it is recommended that Priestesses who are performing the Bhaktic Rites of Babalon also perform this Rite in advance, so as to have Cakes of Life ready for consumption after that ritual.

To begin bake a small quantity of Cakes for these Rites, or have a large batch previously baked and stored well from which to draw from. Have them with you on a small dedicated plate when you enter the Shrine. Go to Ra Hoor’s altar and set the plate of Cakes on one side of the altar, outside of the main triangle made by the candles. Start the charcoal within the censer on the altar. Light the two candles in the back, while saying “In Nomine Ra Hoor Khuit”. Then light the candles closest to you in the front while saying “Abrahadabra, the reward of Ra Hoor Khuit.”

Now perform The Adorations of Ra Hoor Khuit for Noon to the South. After this, face again to the East at Ra Hoor’s altar. Add some Thelemic Abramelin Incense to the charcoal and say the following Invocation of Ra Hoor Khuit, which was given by the God himself.

My lord initiating be O so present among us.

Thy feathered wings expanding tip to tip to cover the horizon.

Sing forth O great hawk-headed lord for Thy call brings terror to the hearts of those that hear Your battle cry.

And as Your tail flicks and Your shadow covers them in darkness,
they will remember that Your fury is not yet known but only hinted at,
as the shroud of the night star light surrounds them.

Now take the plate with the Cakes of Life, and hold them before His image while saying the following.

I have made the Cakes as You have commanded, and bring them before You, mighty Ra Hoor Khuit.

Place the plate of cakes in the center of the Triangle of candles. Now reach out your arms to the image of Ra Hoor Khuit on the altar, and call to him with the following lines.

I call to Thee, most Great and Terrible Hawk-Headed Mystical Lord of Strength, of War, of Vengeance, of Divine Retribution

It is I, [your chosen name], and I come before You, myself an offering, ready to die and be reborn anew. For on this day, I accept the mantle of my most great and terrible purpose, that of my Will.

I am worthy to fight and die before You, Mighty Ra Hoor Khuit! I am ready to face all of my fears! I am ready to forge myself into steel, to sever that which keeps me from my divine, incarnated purpose.

I call to Thee, Ra Hoor Khuit! To dedicate the purpose that binds my being in service to all that is the Will of my existence.

I call to Thee, Ra Hoor Khuit! To smite me before You, if I am not worthy: for there is no life, no existence, if I do not do that which I incarnated for.

I call to Thee, Ra Hoor Khuit! I sacrifice my enslavement so that I may be bound in the service of my Spirit.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Love is the law, love under Will.

[Place more Thelemic Abramelin Incense upon the charcoal.]

Accept these cakes, Mighty Warrior of Silence and Strength!
May they swell with Your power!
May they swell with the strength, force, vigor of Your arms!
Success is my proof, courage is my armor!
May I serve You with the trueness of my Will
Receive these offerings, O Mighty Ra Hoor Khuit,
And Shine Your light upon them.
May my loyalty win me your gifts,
So that at last I may understand your reward:

In Nomine Ra Hoor Khuit, let it be done.

You may now extinguish the candles, or let them burn for a while and quietly do it later. Leave the cakes on the altar for another day or two, again doing the various Adorations to Ra Hoor Khuit over them as you have a chance, while burning Thelemic Abramelin Incense. After this they are ready to eat.

Note: The Cakes of Light are used with blood, and attract imbalanced forces and entities like a beacon, swelling with their energy. These are to be burned to Ra Hoor Khuit in sacrifice to raise his power. The Cakes of Life do not use blood, and swell with the Force and Fire of Ra Hoor Khuit upon His altar. These cakes are meant to be consumed by the worshipper to increase his or her power. It is best to not get them confused.

All text and images are Copyright 2014, 2025 Shrines of Babalon.
Reuse without express written permission is forbidden.