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Gaia-Luna Point of Light
Excerpts taken with kind permission from Mystery Babalon: The Bhaktic and Ecstatic Rites of Babalon by Hagia Aurevia Basic version Stand in the center of your circle or area and face the North. North is the place of Nuit, the Grandmother. Ground your energy down through the core of your body, down into Gaia (see previous chapter, Grounding). Touch the ground and intone the following with great meaning as you do this: I reach down into the body of Gaia. I am rooted, as the trees are rooted. I am bound to Her, Mother of all. When you feel that you are well connected through the soles of your feet (remember, bare footed is best), stand tall and raise your hands up above your head. Look up to the heavens, and take your hands, palms towards each other, and draw down the energy of the Moon in through your Crown Chakra at the top of your head. Intone, as you do this: Ma Bella Luna—you who guide the waters of the Earth, you who guide my Waters—with your light I am elevated to be one with the Stars. Proceed to the Northern Quarter. Lighting a sage smudge wand or an incense stick, draw the Banishing Pentagram of Earth as large as you can with extended arm in front of you (see below) . As you do this, intone: I call to the Watchtowers of the North. Begone all ye who dare tread here, my sovereign space. Using your smudge wand, draw the outline of the outer circle of your space from North proceeding West and stop in the Western Quarter. Using the sage smudge wand, draw the Banishing Pentagram of Water. As you do this, intone: I call to the Watchtowers of the West. Begone all ye who dare tread here, my sovereign space. Using your smudge wand, draw the outline of the outer circle of your space from West proceeding South and stop in the Southern Quarter. Using the sage smudge wand, draw the Banishing Pentagram of Fire. As you do this, intone: I call to the Watchtowers of the South. Begone all ye who dare tread here, my sovereign space. Using your smudge wand, draw the outline of the outer circle of your space from South proceeding East and stop in the Eastern Quarter. Using the sage smudge wand, draw the Banishing Pentagram of Air. As you do this, intone: I call to the Watchtowers of the East. Begone all ye who dare tread here, my sovereign space. Complete the outline of the circle with your smudge wand to the North where you began, then return to the center of the circle and again face North. Place the smudge wand in a vessel at your feet. Extend you arms out to either side so that you form a cross of the elements, intoning the following with great Will: I, (name of dedication), am the point in the circumference - the center of the Great Wheel! With my light, I command this space. With my light, I have Dominion here. In the name of the Mother’s Three, So Mote it Be! Your space is now cleansed, and you may continue with your work at hand. Angelic version The basic version of Gaia-Luna Point of Light can be enhanced in potency by the addition of the Archangels. To do so, vocally vibrate their names when drawing the pentagrams at the quarters, thereby strengthening them with their energy too. When drawing the Banishing Pentagram of Earth in the North, vocally vibrate the name Auriel (Ow-ree-el or Ar-ree-el). In the West use Gabriel (Gah-bree-el). In the South, Michael (Mee-kai-el). In the East, Raphael (Rah-fay-el). Also, to enhance the pentagrams, you may wish to envision them in their appropriate colors as you draw them. In the north, see it as strong and black. In the West, glowing lapis blue. In the south, burning red fire. In the East, bright clear yellow. Formulating the Pentagram and the Elements, after the Ophidian Manner Please note that this manner of making the Pentagrams is different than what is commonly practiced by the masses, which was inherited from the peculiarities of the Golden Dawn. To invoke the Element, reach out with your arm fully extended in front of you to the Element in question on the star, and then trace around the Pentagram in a clockwise direction until you return to where you started. Do this with determined force, and to the full extent of your reach (make it big). To banish, do the same, but travel around the Pentagram in a counter-clockwise direction. ![]() |
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