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Babalon’s Day of Jupiter
The Day of the Woman Crowned with Stars

Babalon’s Day of Jupiter – Bounty of Fortune

A Bhaktic Rite for ALL

Noon, October 14th

On this Holy Day of Babalon Her Jupiterian aspects are celebrated as the Bounty of Fortuna. Her other titles on this day are the Lady of Heaven, Lady of the Star, Lady of the Wheel and Everlasting King. Here Babalon can be seen in Her Divine, Celestial, Royal and Kingly aspects which manifest forth to Her Devotees as gifts of Bounty of Fortune. "Fortune" here is not written in light of its modern meaning of "luck, good fortune, or random chance," rather it carries the more ancient meaning stemming from the Great Goddess Fortuna with Cornucopia, full of Bounty. This Bounty is a source of strength, the fruits of a Full Spirit, also called Spirit Fulfilled. The cornucopia is an image of that state when all material things needed for the accomplishment of the Will of an incarnated Spirit are manifest and available for that purpose. This is the Harmonia of a life properly lived, according to one's incarnate and divine purpose, also called one's Will, which is a Harmonia of Bliss. This has also been called one's Fortune or Destiny. One is Fortunate if one has the full presence of one's Spirit, and the Bounty which that brings - for all things are possible when one is doing one's Will. In addition to the Cornucopia, Babalon here holds the Wheel which shows that the Bounty of Fortune for all of life is manifested and accomplished according to the Seven Guiding Principles of the Great Liberating Mother.

Follow and perform parts 1–3 of Preparations and Prerequisites for the Holy Days of Babalon. These parts are common to all of the Holy Days. When these parts have been completed, continue with part 4, below.

Part 4 – Invocation of Jupiter

Strike the Bell 4 times for Jupiter.

Io Pater, Iupiter (Yu-pah-tair), Jupiter - King of Kings enthroned most high!

In you we find the realization of our Will!
In you we establish the dominion of our Spirit!
And in you we find the joy of accomplishment,
For you are our highest aspected self.

Unbridled is the realization of ideals,
Which grows from the primal drives,
And erupts in beatific expression.

Ecstatic is the bliss of accomplishment,
And revelry is the reward of victory!
And in the innocence of the animal and its passions
We find the purity of action unstained by thought.

Come Satyrs, come Nymphs, come Fauns and fine fellows!
Draped in deep purple and blushing with joy,
For we await the Crown of our Spirit
Which is granted to none but Kings
Who have slain all fear with the spear of Will.

Hail to you, mighty Jupiter,
May we forever dance in the throes of our innocence!

Part 5 – Invocation of the Great Liberating Mother

Strike the bell three times for the Great Liberating Mother. Touch the Chalice, which is resting upon the Sigillum Divinorum or Sigil of Devotion, while crying out to the Great Liberating Mother Babalon. If the Rite is being performed alone, then all parts should be read by the performer. Priestess or Magician begins to say the following:

I call to Thee, Babalon
On your most Holy Day.

I call to Thee, Babalon
United in voice and heart with all of your Devotees.

I call to Thee, Babalon
From my place of Spirit, as a sovereign king!

I call to Thee, Babalon
Cloaked in purple, Radiant Queen.

I call to Thee, Babalon
Great Goddess of Sacred Dominion!

I call to Thee, Babalon,
Great Liberating Mother of Transformation!

I call to Thee, Babalon,
To come and manifest here, amongst the living.

Strike the bell once while the Priestess or Magician then begins to say the following with arms upraised to the heavens:

(P/M says:)
O Lofty Babalon,
I open to your Fierce Glory.
Come unto me so that You may walk the Earth again.
Ride me as your stead.
Touch me, guide me, inflame me with your Wisdom!

(All say:)
May You shine forth, Mighty Babalon!
May You transform this world by Fire!

(P/M says:)
O Glorious Babalon,
Return to our World on this day,
And ride the desires of this Realm.
Grasp it within your Power of Transformation,
And cast it anew in your Great Vision.

(All say:)
May You rise from the Underworld, Mighty Babalon!
May You transform this world by Fire!

(P/M says:)
O Fierce Babalon,
Turn the World upon its head,
Shaking loose that which enslaves us,
Impaling that which thwarts our Will and purpose
Upon the Sword of your Mighty Brother.

(All say:)
May You slay your enemies, Mighty Babalon!
May You transform this world by Fire!

(P/M says:)
O Sublime Babalon,
Return us to the Garden of Ecstasy and Delight,
That which leads us to our own Liberation.
Free me from my fears,
And that which keeps me from my destiny.

(All say:)
May we taste of Your Ecstasy, Mighty Babalon!
May You transform this world by Fire!

(P/M says:)
O Supreme Babalon,
You shine with the light of the Aeons,
Wrapped within the Voice of Silence,
And the force of Autonomy of Being,
For Your Wisdom is infinite.

(All say:)
May You burn across this land, Mighty Babalon!
May You transform this world by Fire!

Part 6 – The Ecstatic Exaltation of Babalon

Now take the cup and hold it aloft to Babalon while continuing to call to Her with the Ecstatic Exaltation of Babalon. Strike the Bell once for each line which begins with “We call to Thee”. The Priestess or Magician reads each line, while the people present answer “In Nomine Babalon”.

We call to thee, Daughter of the Mighty Ones, Daughter of the Fiery One, Daughter of the Deepest Black!
All say: In Nomine Babalon!

We call to thee, Gate of Life and Death, Queen of Heaven and Hell, Lady of Lust and Desire!
All say: In Nomine Babalon!

We call to thee, Black One, Blue One, Gold One, the Woman Clothed with the Sun!
All say: In Nomine Babalon!

We call to thee, Fierce Guardian, Formidable Warrior, Everlasting King!
All say: In Nomine Babalon!

We call to thee, Shameless One, Harlot, Whore, Bearer of the Cup of Fornications!
All say: In Nomine Babalon!

We call to thee, Lady of the Star, Lady of the Snake, Lady of the Wheel!
All say: In Nomine Babalon!

We call to thee, Lady of the Gate, Lady of the Crossroads, Guardian of the Liminal Point!
All say: In Nomine Babalon!

We call to thee, Cunning One, Wise One, Clever One, Mistress of Heka!
All say: In Nomine Babalon!

We call to thee, the Mother of Prostitutes and the Abominations of the Earth, the Holy Whore!
All say: In Nomine Babalon!

We call to thee, Daughter of Fortitude, the Gate of God, the Woman Crowned with Stars!
All say: In Nomine Babalon!

We call to thee, Great Liberating Mother, Daughter of Ra, Babalon the Great!
All say: In Nomine Babalon!

Part 7 – The Communion of the Living Flame

All present now partake of the Wine and the Cakes, with each one saying at the Communion: I am a living flame unto Babalon. When all have finished partaking of the Communion, strike the bell seven times. The Priestess or Magician then says aloud, with arms upraised:

O My Babalon,
Inflame me with the Fire of Your Future.
Inflame me with the Lust of Your Presence.
Release us from those things which bind us,
And which keep us from your presence,
So that we may join you on this day,
Flesh to flesh, Spirit to Spirit.

Rise, Babalon, Rise!
Walk the Earth and reclaim it as it is Your Own.
Destroy the obstacles of fear and shame and guilt,
And all who seek to stop you.
Let all now succumb to the Wisdom of the Snake of Light,
As it rises within us, in Love under Will.

All say:
In Nomine Babalon et Vox Sanctae Meretricis

All may now meditate before Her Altar to receive and record any impressions or communications as they may come to you.

All text and images are Copyright 2014, 2025 Shrines of Babalon.
Reuse without express written permission is forbidden.