The Seal and Banner of the Shrines of Babalon system. The Bindu (sperm and menses), Yoni Triangle (vulva) and Star of Babalon (Goddess).

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Sigillum Divinorum
Sigillum Divinorum – The Divine Seal

The Sigillum Divinorum, or the Holy Seal, was first divulged by the Brotherhood of the Midnight Sun in 2006. It is the Seal which is sacred to Babalon and Her Allies, and is a talisman for Her contact, a diagram of celestial influences, a seal from which to drawl forth sigils, and a gateway to many realms.

The Sigillum Divinorum is a Planetary Seal, and works with Planetary Realms and energies. Seven is the traditional number of Planets (the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn), and seven is also the number of the planet Venus, which in addition to many other functions is actually a gateway to all other Realms. The Sigillum Divinorum is made of various combinations of seven-sided and seven-pointed figures: a Heptagon, the Star of Venus and the Star of Babalon – all within a circle.

Sigillum Divinorum
The Heptagon within the Sigillum Divinorum shows the planets in their “Chaldean” order, which is the order of their motion in the sky from the slowest to the fastest. The slowest is Saturn (3), then Jupiter (4), Mars (5), the Sun (6), Venus (7), Mercury (8) and finally the Moon (9) is the fastest moving body in the heavens, from the point of view of the Earth as we watch them move across the sky. One can see the planets in this order, staring with Saturn (3), and traveling then clockwise around the star in order, ending at the Moon (9).

Sigillum Divinorum
Since the most ancient times, the seven days of the week in actuality are seen as the seven planets of the Celestial Spheres. Monday is the day of the Moon, Tuesday is the day of Mars, Wednesday is the day of Mercury, Thursday is Thor’s day, the day of Jupiter, Friday or Freya’s day, the day of Venus, Saturday is the day of Saturn and finally Sunday is the day of the Sun. The Star of Venus in the Sigillum Divinorum shows the Seven Planets in order of the days of the week, if you trace around the star in a clockwise manner. Furthermore, if one looks closely at this star, one will find the Star of Babalon in its center.

Sigillum Divinorum
The Star of Babalon within the Sigillum Divinorum shows the order of the Initiations in the Underworld Realms, the order of assignment of the attributes of the Mansions of the Moon, as well as many other secrets. There is also a smaller inverted Star of Babalon in the center of the Seal. In addition to the stars, the Sigillum Divinorum contains a total of 259 separately identifiable triangles. And when one considers that each triangle has 3 corners of angles, then one finds that there are a total of 777 angles in the Sigillum Divinorum, which are used when creating Sigils of complex Planetary energies. The Sigillum Divinorum also connects every Planet with every other Planet in 49 possible ways. Clearly the number seven, and its corollaries of 49 (7 x 7) and 777 play an important part in the Seal.

To create the Sigillum Divinorum, one may choose to paint it upon a thin board, or carve it in wood, clay or in beeswax. Of course as always, the more effort and the higher quality the materials, all the better. It is usually made between nine and twelve inches in diameter, but can be any size according to your own reasoning and genius. The choice is yours. You may also wish to color the points of the star according to the planetary colors, which are silver for the Moon, orange for mercury, green for Venus, gold for the Sun, purple (sometimes blue) for Jupiter, and black (sometimes very dark blue or purple) for Saturn. These colors are related to the metals for each of the planets, and their colors, some of which are those in which they turn with oxidation. For example, the copper of Venus turns green with oxidation. Therefore the Moon goes with silver, Mercury with the metal of the same name, also called quicksilver, Venus with copper, the Sun with gold, Mars with iron, Jupiter with tin and Saturn with lead.

The Sigillum Divinorum is to be placed upon the Altar of Babalon in the center of the triangle made by the three candles there. If you have made the Sigil of Devotion as described in Liber 49, you may place that on top of the Sigillum Divinorum at its center. If you have a Chalice for Babalon, that may be set atop of both of these items.

Sigillum Divinorum on the Altar

An example of the altar of Babalon with the Sigillum Divinorum, Moon Phases band and Zodiacal band placed within the triangle of the three main candles (marked by “C”).

Images taken with kind permission from Mystery Babalon: The Bhaktic and Ecstatic Rites of Babalon by Hagia Aurevia.

All text and images are Copyright 2014, 2025 Shrines of Babalon.
Reuse without express written permission is forbidden.